Nutrigenomics Testing and Interpretation
Nutrition Interventions for Chronic Disease
Intervention and Prevention
Personalized Insight to Extending Healthspan
and Enhancing Vibrant Longevity
Lisa M Hillmann, MS, RD, LD
Functional Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian
About Me and Nutrition Decode.

Quick Facts
Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy Certification- training ongoing
Institute for Functional Medicine-Member since 2021
Registered Dietitian Licensed in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio
3x4 Foundations in Nutri-genomics Course Certified 2021
Certified Genetic Counselor 1996-2016
Certified Wellness Coach 2010-2013
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (AND) - member since 2017
AND Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM) - Member since 2017
MS in Human Genetics/ Genetic Counseling, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY.
BS in Biology (Genetics) and Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

I've struggled with poor health for most of my adult life. It started as low back pain and GI issues, then joint pain, fatigue, brain fog, and depression. Chronic pain dominated my lived experience for 2 decades. Doctors couldn't help me, so I tried chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage which helped temporarily but didn't address the root cause of my problems. Through functional medicine, I started to gain some insight, and problems such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), gut dysbiosis, gluten sensitivity, were revealed. Gut health was absolutely the first hurdle to overcome. But then I decided to study my own DNA and discovered more root causes of my health-related troubles: DNA changes that, collectively, had a big impact on my health in the areas of methylation, inflammation, detoxification. For me, the results had broader effects on other systems, such as brain health, energy levels, and hormone metabolism. Addressing these foundational issues helped me to understand the problem and motivated me to make the needed changes to feel better.
Nutrition Decode is my effort to help others who are in a similar situation-generally adults over 50 suffering from fatigue, chronic pain, inflammation, brain fog, digestive problems or whichever undiagnosed ailment has been chronic and alluded traditional medical intervention. The healthcare professionals I consulted were unable to determine the root cause of my health challenges, and no one suggested improved nutrition as an intervention. As your registered dietitian, I strive to guide you to a better place by utilizing science-based and personalized technology: Functional Nutrition and Nutritional Genomics.
As a nutrition professional that is trained in both genetics and dietetics, I am uniquely qualified to provide nutritional genomic consultations. Through my masters-level genetic counseling education, I've learned to effectively translate complex medical information for a more thorough understanding of the test results and their consequences. My training in nutrition and dietetics has provided the practical knowledge to guide you toward your nutritional goals. I take an integrative and functional medicine approach (see the bottom of this page for what that means) to addressing health concerns, including attention to sleep, hydration, stress, movement, and mindfulness. I invite you to contact me to begin the process of discovery and healing.
About You.
In my experience, finding the right healthcare professional to work with is tricky. I've learned that the most productive and helpful relationship to have with clients is one that is non-judgmental and respectful; based on trust, kindness, active listening and authenticity. I request that my clients work cooperatively and with honest intention. I think we could work well together if:

You feel tired, frustrated, or helpless in your efforts to determine the causes of your current unhealthy state.
You are curious about how your genetic code influences your health, and would like insight into how this additional knowledge might improve your health, fitness, wellness and longevity.
You are open to evidence-based nutrition information that may challenge your personal beliefs about food, diets, fads, and things you've learned from documentaries or social media.
You are committed to making changes to your diet and lifestyle in order to reach your personal health-related goals.
About the Lab.

I've chosen to work with 3x4 Genetics Laboratory. The lab findings are based on 2 pillars: 1. that the science is well researched (scientific validity) and 2. the information provided is actionable and you can make informed changes to improve your health (clinical utility). Please take a moment to look over the sample test result and client brochure below to get a better understanding of this laboratory's services. The reports are graphically illustrated and are packed full of details about your genetic information. I'm here to help translate, prioritize, and further personalize this type of test result to apply to your personal healthcare and nutrition-related goals.
About Functional Medicine and Nutrition.
Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition are terms used to describe a different approach to treating people with chronic diseases. Check out these resources from the Institute for Functional Medicine to get a better understanding of how it differs from conventional medicine and outlines how our work together would proceed.